Robotic palletisers, SCARA robots and articulated-arm robots
Articulated-arm robot on a travel axis
The robots we use are articulated-arm robots in 6-axis design or with a seventh travel axis, plus robotic palletisers and SCARA robots. We select products with no bias towards any particular manufacturer, basing our choice fundamentally on the project’s technical requirements and any specific client requests. Depending on the type of application, certain brands have, however, proven to be particularly advantageous. We then adapt the systems in hardware terms to the given task. This relates, for example, to grabbers and adapters.
Focus on painting automation
Complete infrastructures for paint robots
POMA Systems fits out industrial robots with complete infrastructures for paint application. The product range includes systems for paint preparation, paint supply and colour changing equipment. The configurations are set up, tested and commissioned in our in-house pilot facility.